Bookalicious Book Club Chat!

If you are a bookish person, and on Twitter… odds are that you’ve heard of the Bookalicious Book Club. I’ve been a member of this Canadian book club since venturing into the tweeting world and have participated in a number of their book chats, so it is EXTREMELY exciting for me that the topic for the November 5th Book Club Chat is going to be none other than “The Mark of the Hummingbird!”


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Burying the truth in the snow can’t conceal it forever.

Leona was born a survivor—one of the few sheltered in a prison that withstood the plummeting temperatures of the frozen days. Now, as the weather slowly warms, she struggles to understand a culture and society vastly different than the one created by her elders. Standing on the cusp of her seventeenth birthday, the day she will officially become a woman and eligible for marriage, the tiny world she had long since accepted suddenly seems stifling. Conflicts and curiosity propel her beyond the fences of her home into a barren and uncertain future, with one asset that just might keep her alive.

I’m so excited to chat with the Bookalicious members in November about this book, and even more excited to hear what they think! Wanda and the rest of the crew are so wonderful and I love hearing what people have to say about the books they read. If you aren’t a member of the Bookalicious Book Club, you really should be (free books, chats and did I mention… free books?). Click here to join! (Scroll down to the form to enter your info).

In honor of this upcoming book chat, I gave away 20 paperback copies of “The Mark of the Hummingbird” to book club members, but if you didn’t win, don’t despair! More opportunities to win will happen with giveaway tweets (follow @BookaliciousCA so you don’t miss them), so just retweet to be entered to win! There will be 5 free eBooks of “The Mark of the Hummingbird” up for grabs (to anyone, anywhere!) and also a paperback copy of “The Song of the Sisters” (This one is for Bookalicious Canada members, so make sure you sign up!)